B proud of who you are

Jag vet att jag haft denna text förr på min före detta blogg,
men jag måste bara klistra in den här också,
för den rörde mig så otroligt mycket.
och detta är bara inte ett påhittat tal,
utan det var en "gubbe" som sa sådär till mig på en bar,
han lyssnade, han förstod mig, han tröstade.
Men det bästa av allt,
är att han verkligen menade vartenda ord.
"Promise me, that you'll always be proud of who you are,
NEVER ever let any fucker tell you what to do with your life.
And why the hell are you hiding your face like that,
you're looking right into the floor, all the time! Why?
You shouldn't be ashemed of how you look or that you are who you are, damn girl.
Look straight up, don't be afraid to show yourself to everyone, ever.
You're such a pretty young lady, with the whole life in front of you.
And if someone comes and say to you;
you fuckin' piece of shit, you ain't worth a fucking shit!
you should say back; have you seen my ass? or my body, or my heart,
and if i'm still not worth a shit, go fuck YOURSELF.
If someone ever treat you bad, or hits you,
you remember, and you have to promises me, look straight up, stare in that persons eyes and say;
if you ever to that again, i'll kill ya.
Always remember this thing also, your body, is yours. And your heart, is yours too.
Don't ever give it to someone who doesn't deserve it.
That's the ONLY thing you have that a person can never steal from you,
you're the only one, who can give it away, but give it to someone special.
Someone who treats you right, someone who look up to you
and that you know that would never cheat on you.
Always be faithful. I don't know you, but I can see,
that you're hurting inside, been there, done that.
So don't look down to the floor, 'cause if you do,
people can always push you even further down,
'cause they can see, that you are weak. But I know, that you're not.
Find that strength, and believe in yourself, you are great, no matter what they say."


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