I don't need anything from you.
Tjaba tjena.
Har idag gått ute på stan med Hanibanii. Först började vi med att vara i Rax, NOMNOM. En stund senare bestämde vi oss för att gå i en par butiker, men vi hittade dock inget. I brist på annat gick vi på bio. >>STREETDANCE<< fy fan så bra, fick riktigt gås hud där, shit alltså, i love streetstyle/dance ♥
Anyway. Har ikväll sett på film med Masa & Hanibanii.
If that's the best you can behave as a parent,
don't bother to call me anymore.
It's been a month since last time,
if you feel angry, how the f*ck do you think i feel?
You're supposed to be there for me, not against me.
Not a call, not a textmessage, in A MONTH from you.
You always tell me how I should grow up, and start behave.
I think it's the other way around.
It's time for YOU to grove up,
it's time for YOU to start behave..
And if you really are that pissed off at me,
that you don't care how my life is going,
and that you really are that silly that you won't answer,
you can trust me on this one;
I won't fuckin' respect you anymore.