BAJS. Just när jag hade skrivit allting så försvann allting, greeeat. Puss bloggen, jag tycker om dig jag också, höh.
No anyway. Skall kanske snart åka in till stan om jag orkar, för att träffa Jenni. Och sedan efter det far jag väl till Älsklingen en stund och sitta och mysa <3 Har även testat min nya webcam idag förresten! Skit bra kvalité om jag får säga det själv, tack fammu&faffa för en tidig julklapp! Hihi ^^,
Never change yourself because of someone else.
Live your life your own way.
Never care of what other people think of you.
You weren't born to make other people happy,
you were given a chance that some people may never even have.

Why complain about small things,
that, in the end, doesn't even matter?
Think about people, who have died in cancer,
car accidents, other accidents...
They would have done everything they could,
just so they could have one more chance
to hug their child, kiss their wifes/husbands
and just to tell everyone else that they all mattered.

Think of life as a gift.
You were given it because it's something amazing.
It may not always be great, but at least it's worth living it.
Everyone has their up's and down's,
but you never have to go through it alone.
Life is life.

Postat av: muppis

ojj geez kvinna du e fin! :o

tappar ögonen helt! min sexy beast! ;o <3 orgasm

2010-12-02 @ 00:16:01
Postat av: Viveca

hihih meeh skrållaan (A) <3

tack älskliiing! du e oxo! PUSS <3

2010-12-02 @ 00:23:29

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