asdfcghj HAPPY!
Life is too short.
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can't change.
Love deeply and forget quickly.
Take chances, give everything!
And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be unhappy.
You have to take good with the bad,
smile when you're sad.
Love what you've got..
and always remember what you had.
Always forgive, never forget.
Learn from your mistakes, but never regret!
Vetni den där känslan..
När man har i flera veckor / månader, försökt hitta ett svar,
och man plötsligt fattar..
Alltså fyfan vad befriande känslan är!
Kan inte annat säga än;
"don't ever look down,
'cause if you do,
people will know you're weak,
and they will only push you further down.
Keep your head heald high,
and no one,
is even gonna TRY to push you down."